Our carefully bottled honey captures the essence of Michigan's diverse flora. Each bottle is a testament to purity and sustainability, offering a golden, liquid treasure that's as beneficial as it is delicious. Perfect for drizzling over your favorite dishes, or as a natural sweetener in beverages, our honey bottle is a versatile pantry must-have. Enjoy the rich, smooth taste that not only delights the palate but also supports your overall well-being.


Can honey in these products crystallize over time?

Yes, natural honey can crystallize, a sign of high quality and purity. Gently warming the honey can return it to its liquid state.

Are your honey-made products suitable for vegans?

No, since honey is a by-product of bees, our honey-based products are not vegan. They are, however, 100% natural and ethically sourced.

Is the honey used in your products pasteurized?

No, our honey is raw to retain all the natural enzymes and health benefits. It's unheated, unpasteurized, and unprocessed.

Get In Touch

169 Clarkston Rd Suite 500, Lake Orion, MI 48362, USA